Buy Fencing Gear

After you decide you like fencing, you will want to buy your own kit but where can you get it from? This page may help you.
Club Gear
As a member of the club, we do have a range of clothing available with the club logo which can be purchased from our friends at TopKit, you can see our range here.
Fencing Equipment
As fencing is something of a minority sport and the equipment is fairly specialised, you will need to go to some specialised retailers to make purchases. The following is a list of retailers that we are aware of. As with anything price varies as does quality so the more premium stores are marked (£££), mid range (££), and budget (£). A + denotes excellent customer service.
The existence of a store on this list does not count as an endorsement. Nor do we receive anything in return from any of these companies.
Many people are tempted to pick up some cheap kit from eBay, we strongly recomend that you do NOT but any fencing kit from eBay until you know exactly what you are doing equipment wise. Instead buy from a reputable supplier who can advise you on your purchase. Please do feel free to ask somebody in the club for advise if you need it.
Leon Paul (£££)
Allstar/Uhlman (£££)
Prieur Sports (£££) Based in France but will ship
Negrini (£££) Italian company
Excalibur Sports (££)
Fence With Fun (££) - Based in Germany but will ship to UK
Blades Brand (££)
The Fencing Shop (£)
Sword Price Fighters (£+)
Duellist Fencing (Defunct)
Athos (Defunct)